Our company has accumulate nearly ten years marketing experience.The engineers could deeply know the demand of clients ,enviroment and the safety,So the most advanced technology could be integarated into the product. Tin residue is the main thing that our device facing .After the equipment processing,the dross will be refined ,and the recycled tin could be reused.This Intelligent and efficient model could be used under off-line situation ,and no worker is needed.During the working,the only thing you need to do is putting dross into the machine without any chemical .When the temperature reach 280 degree,the tin qualified for using would be purifed.By using our machine,a large mount of tin could be saved and the mount of the cost will reduce.
一.产品特点 Characteristic:一、电控系统Electric control system: 1、采用TECHWAYSON进口PLC微电脑+温度扩展模块控制;Use import PLC microcomputer+temperature expansion module control2、人机界面:WEINTEK TAI WAN触摸屏4.3″;Human-computer interface:WEINTEK TAI WAN Touch screen3、内置时间控制系统:可提前预制时间设置,自动开关机;The built-in time control system :time setting in advanced , automatic switch on and off 4、加热方式,模拟量PID功能,无触点可控硅控制;Heating mode, analog PID function, contactless controlled Si control二、锡渣输入系统Solder dross input system:采用螺旋自动将碎锡渣输入进搅拌区焊锡内部;Use screw to deliver solder dross to the solder in stirring zone automatically
三、搅拌系统Stirring system:1、搅拌区底锡容量:90KG,外加热式融锡系统:使锡渣加热均匀,升温快,节约电能;Tin capacity in the bottom of stirring zone: 90 kg.Outside melting tin system:Make solder dross even heating, fast temperature rising and saving electric energy.2、搅拌电机90W 220V 3P 采用蜗轮蜗杆传动搅拌机构,更省力, 同时避免电机与高温部件直接接触;Stirring motor:90W 220V 3P.Use the worm gear and drive stirring mechanism, more effort. Avoid the direct contact between the motor and the high temperature components at the same time.3.特殊设计的搅拌机构,使锡渣均匀融解并实现一级粗分离;The stirring mechanism with special design makes solder dross melting evenly and achieve 1 level rough separation.四、出锡成形系统Tin out and shaping system:分离出来的焊锡收集区:容量达20公斤,自动锡液位检测,人工操作排放焊锡至成形模 ;Solder collecting zone after separation:capacity can reach 20 kg;automatic tin liquid level detection;manual operation for tin emission to shape
五、烟雾净化系统Smoke purification system;1、过滤箱体:不锈钢网+水帘式过滤+活性碳过滤棉三重方式,过滤烟雾中的颗粒与异味气体;The filter box: 3 methods of stainless steel net + water curtain type filtration + activated carbon filter cotton for filtering particle in the smoke and gas with special smell
六、整机基本参数The basic parameters of the whole machine;1、机体尺寸Machine size:1450mm(L)*800mm(W)*1400mm(H); 2、整机电源power supply:3P 4¢ 380V /AC 3、整机功率Machine power:4.3KW 4、工作功率Working power : 1.5KW