FZWO -40.5/1250-25户外交流高压隔离真空负荷开关
FZWO -40.5/1250-25 Outdoor High Voltage lsolating Vacuum Switch
概述Product Structure.
FZWO-40.5/1250-25型户外高压隔离真空负荷开关中(以下简称负荷开关)是由我公司研制开发、并由我公司**生产的新-代高压电器产品,经严格的型式试验和长期试动行考核,各项技术性能指标全部达到GB3804和IE标准,适用于额定电压40.5kV ,额定频率50Hz的供电网络中,可开断负荷电流,亦可开断一定距离的架空线路、 电缆线路和电容器组的电容电流。具有分段、隔离、连接、切换等功能适用于域网、农网、铁路、石化等架空配电线路。该负荷开关具有开断能力大,安全可靠电寿命长,,可频繁操作,少维护等优点。
The FZW38-12, FZWO-40.5 outdoor vacuum disconnecting load swich (short for load switch) is outdoor HV switchgear with three phaseAC 50Hz, rated vltage12/40.5kV. It is used for switching on/off load current in city or country distribution systems or breaking transfer currentof fuses. Malching with molor mechanism and controler, it can be used as a seclion switch or sectionalize. It uses new insulation structuredesign and vacuum explosion chamber. Atter switching off, the load switch has an obvious visible fracture. It also has functions of disconnectingswich. Aditioally, with big switching capacity and no oil, long electicity life and non maintenance, it will not ollutle environment and explode.
使用环境条件Ambient condition
1.环境温度: +40C~-40C,日温差; 25K;2.海拔高度;不超过3000米;
3.风压不超过700Pa (相当于风速34m/s) ;4.振幅:无经常剧烈运动,地震烈度不超过8度。
型号及其含义Model description
E z W-40.5/ 1250. 20
额定短时耐受电流Raled shor-time withstand curren(KA)额定电流Rated crrent(A)额定电压Rated votage(KV)设计序号Design No.
真空灭弧Vacuum iferrupter户外Oudoor
负荷开关Load switch