Tulsion ® T-42 H
Tulsion ® H T-42 H 是特级强酸型离子交换树脂,氢 H+/钠Na+阳离子交换树脂, 是一款有较高的交换容量 ,并同时拥有绝佳的物理及化学稳定品质。可适用于高浓度氨氮的去除。
Tulsion ® H T-42 H 其无裂纹特性和均匀的粒度,具有传统的离子交换树脂无法取代的优
势,可以减少压力损,延长树脂寿命,保证出水品质。 并具有较广泛的 PH 及温度适应
范围 。
Tulsion ® T-42 H 通常以潮湿的氢型供应,具有较好的抗有机物污染能力。
典型特性(L TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS) ): Tulsion ® T-4 42 2 H H
型式/Type : 强酸性阳离子交换树脂/Strong acid cation exchangeresin
主体结构/Matrix structure : 交联共聚物/Crosslinked copolymer
官能基/Functional group : 核子级磺酸基/Nuclear sulphonic
物理型式/ Physical form : 琥珀色湿润球型/Amber colored moist beads
离子型式/Ionic form : 氢/Hydrogen
粒径分布/Particle size : 0.40 to 1.2 mm
均一系数/Uniformity Coefficient : 1.5 *大
总交换容量/Total exchange capacity (meq/ ml ): 2.0
湿度/Moisture % : 52±3%
反洗密度/Backwash settled density g/lit : 810 - 850
*高温度/Temperature stability (max) : 120℃
PH : 0 -14
溶解度/Solubility : 不溶
Contact: Mr.Z hang -57429866
Mob:18610857397 E-mail: cohesion168@sina.com
Address: Room 1006,No.1 Hangfeng Road,Fengtai District, Beijing,China. www.cohesion.cc
Tulsion ® T-42 H
操作条件特性(L TYPICAL G OPERATING CONDITIONS) ): Tulsion ® 2 T-42 H H
测试( TEST T ING) ):Tulsion ® T-4 42 H H
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即 ASTMD - 2187 和 IS - 7330,1998.
包装( PACKING) ):Tulsion ® T-4 42 2 H H
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included
herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or
performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the
product by testing on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact ::
*高温度/Maximum operating temperature : 120℃
树脂床高度/Resin bed depth : 800 mm
*大流速/Maximum service flow : 120 m3/hr/m3
逆洗膨胀空间/Backwash expansion space : 40 - 75%
逆洗流速/Backwash flow : 9 - 20 m3/hr/m3
再生剂 /Regenerant : HCl/ H2SO4
再生程度 /Regenerantion level : 3 0 - 160 g HCl/l,40 - 250 g/l H2SO4
再生剂浓度 /Regenerant concentration : 3-4% HCl,1.5-5% H2SO4
再生流速 /Regenerant flow rate : 2- 16 m3/hr/m3
再生时间 /Regenerant time : 20- 60 min
冲洗流速 /Rinse flow rate:慢/Slow : 再生流速/At regeneration flow rate
快/Fast : 工作流速
冲洗量 /Rinse Volume : 3- 5 m3/m3
Super Sack 1000 lit Super Sack 35 cft
MS drums 180 lit. MS drums 7 cft
HDPE lines Bags 25 lit. HDPE lines Bags 1 cft
Mob: E-mail: cohesion168@sina.com
Address: Room 1006,No.1 Hangfeng Road,Fengtai District, Beijing,China. www.cohesion.cc