食品饮料、纺织印染、制药、电子科技、发酵酿造、石油化工等各行业的产生废水差异非常大,采用物理、化学、生物处理方法, 合理选择处理工艺及设施类型,结合*新的膜技术,鹏凯专业的团队及超前的技术储备均能迎刃而解,满足日益严格的环保要求。
Food and beverage, textile printing and dyeing, pharmaceuticaI, electronic technology, fermentation brewing, petrochemical and other fields producing various wastewater with huge differences. Combining physical, chemicaI and biological treatment methods with up to date membrane technologies, Pengkai professional team and advanced technologies will help choosing adapted methods and facilities to meeting progressively strict environment protection regulations.
废水资源化,有巨大的经济效益和社会效益。用砂滤、炭滤、中空纤维超滤、管式超滤、纳滤、反渗透、离子交换等不同工艺的组合进行浓缩回用,结合各类监测仪表、控制系统,使回用水质满足要求,废水回用率达70%~95% ,可再采用多效蒸发及MVR 等设备进行结晶、固化,实现废水零排放。
There is a huge market in wastewater reuse. Via applying sand fiItration, carbon filter, hollow fibre ultrafiltration (UF), tube UF,nanofiltration, R0, ion exchange and various treatment method combination, we canconcentrate and reuse wastewater. Combining diverse detection instruments, controI systems to produce required reuse water. Reuse rate is up to70-95%. Furthermore, applying multiple-effect evaporation and MVR and the other methods can crystalize and solidify water effluent so as to realize zero liquid discharge.