ARTM嵌入式PT100传感器无线测温智能温度巡检仪适用于一路或多路温度的测量和控制,主要应用于火电厂、水电站等场合的温度巡检测量及控制。ARTM-8 嵌入式PT100传感器无线测温智能温度巡检仪适用于多路温度测量与控制,可接入*多8路PT100 传感器,适用于低压开关柜电气接点、变压器绕组、电机绕组等场合的测温
1.4 包装1.4 Packaging包装内含下列项目:
Packaging contains the following items:
Main engine (including plug-in terminal, nameplate, mounting bracket, etc.)
Product installation manual.
When opening the product packaging, please check if there is any damage, please inform ACREL or agent in time, and please keep the damaged outer packing. If it is the responsibility of ACREL company or agent, it will be replaced in time.1.5 安装和接线方法1.5 Installation and fixing1.5.1 安装尺寸1.5.1 Outlinesn ARTM8:
1.5.2安装方法1.5.2 Installation在您的配电盘上,选择合适的地方开一个与所安装温度巡检仪开孔尺寸相同的安装孔。
On your switchboard, select the appropriate place to open a hole with the same size as the installed temperature inspector.
Remove the temperature inspector, loosen the positioning screw (counterclockwise) and remove the mounting bracket.
Insert the meter into the dial gauge hole.
Insert mounting bracket and positioning screw (clockwise) after instrumentation.1.5.3 接线方法(请以仪表上的接线图为准)1.5.3 Fixing (Please refer to the wiring diagram on the meter)n ARTM8:
Notice:In the second wire connection, one of the wires of the thermal resistance sensor must be connected to two terminals according to the diagram.
2 操作指南2.1 显示介绍2.1 Display explanationn ARTM8的面板图示
n ARTM8 Panel graphic
2.2 系统上电2.2 System power on依照说明正确接线后,接通工作电源即进入测量状态。
After the correct wiring is indicated, the working power is connected to the measuring state.2.3 系统设置模式2.3 System setting mode2.3.1 进入/退出系统设置模式2.3.1 Enter/exit system setting mode
Under normal circumstances, the normal work of the instrument, press the SET key at this time more than 3 seconds, will enter the system setup mode, before entering the system setup mode, you first need to enter the correct password (factory generally SET to 0001).
The specific operation of entering the system setting mode is as follows:
(1)Press SET key, until it showed "Prog", then click the enter key to display "code", prompt to enter a password, then click the enter key in "0000", according to the or so direction key numerical size to decrease or increase the correct password.
(2)The password is correct, the screen shows "PASS", and click enter to enter the highest level menu of system Settings; otherwise, "Err" (error) is displayed, and click return to return to normal mode.
System Settings includes emergency alarm Settings (menu "SET"), the amount of hysteresis and alarm delay Settings
(menu " HyS "), the display mode Settings (menu " DISP "), communication Settings (menu "BUS"), setting a new password (menu "n.cod"), to check the software version number (menu "UErn").2.3.2 系统设置模式下的操作2.3.2 Operation under system setting mode.进入系统设置模式后,选择菜单状态进入。
After entering the system Settings mode, select menu status to enter.
(1)“SET" state setting
After entering the system setting mode, press left or right arrow keys until the "SET" is displayed. After returning the car, the "CH1" will be displayed, and the "ON" or "OFF" will be displayed after enter, and the left or right arrow keys can be selected. Select "OFF", enter, the temperature measurement and monitoring of shield channel 1, and return "CH1"; Choose "ON", press enter, or open channel 1 temperature measurement and monitoring, and display the "AL1", namely channel 1 emergency alarm 1 set, enter into the show "HI" or "LO", firstly, according to the left or the right to choose to set alarm trend of emergency alarm 1, said "HI" the high limit alarm, "LO" said low limit alarm, press enter to confirm after setting specific values, press the left right direction key numerical size, decrease or increase after reaching requirements determine rate of return, return to "AL1" system.
In the "AL1" state, press left or right select "AL2", which is the setting of alarm point 2 of channel 1, and the setting method is exactly the same as "AL1".
Under the condition of "AL1" or "AL2", press "SET" to return "CH1". At this time, select the Settings that can enter other channels on the left or right button, and the setting method is exactly the same as channel 1.
Press "SET "to return the top menu "SET" in "CH1", "CH2" and "CH3".